

Shortcuts are strings you can be parsed and converted to data. These are widely used when setting response in configs as you can't code in many varibles like params or the sender of the message. This is where Shortcuts come in.

Shortcuts are included with Disnode in the base Disnode.js file. All you have to do it call it!

Disnode includes a ever growing list of default, universal short cuts (list below), but many managers require their own short cuts (for example the Youtube downloader has title, id, progess etc.) so when calling the Shortcut parser you can provide it with an array of custom shortcuts.


[Sender] Says hi to [Param0] Converts to @VictoryForPhil Says hi to @FireGamer3
[Sender] and [Param0] are default short cuts are converted to strings when the msg is parsed.

Object - Custom Shortcut

shortcutstringShortcut (EX: "[ID]")
dataanythingData assigned to shortcut